Folder Sync Tool for Amazon S3. Synchronize Files and Folders from Local Drive to Amazon S3 and Vise Versa.
S3 Browser
Free Windows Client for Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront

Folder Sync Tool - Table of Contents

Folder Sync Tool Overview

Starting from version 5.7.1 S3 Browser comes with a simple Folder Sync Tool allowing you to upload or download only new and changed files and thereby significantly optimize your bandwidth usage and save you time when performing backups to Amazon S3.

Currently it works in one-way synchronization mode also known as mirroring, you can define the Source and Destination, which could be the Local Folder or the Bucket/Folder on Amazon S3.

The minimal piece of synchronization is the File. If some part of the File was changed in the Source Folder, the entire file will be transferred to Destination Folder.

S3 Browser uses file size and modification date to compare the files. An alternate comparison criteria is the file hash which works slower but allows you to detect file changes even if the modification date is incorrect.

Working with the Folder Sync Tool

To open Folder Sync Tool

Click Tools, Folder Sync Tool..

click Tools, Folder Sync Tool menu item

Click Tools, Folder Sync Tool

Folder Sync Tool window will open

Amazon S3 Folder Sync Tool

Folder Sync Tool window

To configure new Sync Job

1. Click button 1 to select source folder and button 2 to select destination folder

Select folder type dialog will open:

folder type selector

Select folder type dialog

2. Select folder type by clicking corresponding button.

You will see the Browse For Folder dialog for Amazon S3 Folder:

s3 folder selector

Amazon S3 folder selection dialog

And system Select Folder dialog for Local Folder:

local folder selector

Windows folder selection dialog

3. Once you defined the Source and Destination folders, click Analyze to compare the folders.

compare local folder and amazon s3 bucket

Click Analyze to compare the folders

S3 Browser will compare selected folders. When the comparison completed you can check results and click Synchronize to apply them.

Folder comparison results

Check comparison results and click Synchronize

4. S3 Browser will queue the tasks

Folder synchronization

Folder synchronization is in progress

Sync Job Options

Each Sync Job has a set of options that define sync behavior. To configure Sync Job options click corresponding link located on the toolbar.

sync job options link

Sync Job options link

Sync Job Options dialog will open:

Sync Job Options

Sync Job Options Dialog

You may choose which kind of modifications you want to include in synchronization:

  • Include only new files - S3 Browser will sync only new files, changed files will be ignored.
  • Include only changed files - S3 Browser will sync only file changes, new files will be ignored.
  • Include both new and changed files - S3 Browser will sync both, new and changed files.

Propagate deletions - If you check this option, files that have been deleted in source folder, will also be deleted in destination folder.

Use hashes to compare files - S3 Browser will analyze file content - calculate hash for the local files and compare it with the stored hash of remote files (hashes for remote files are stored in file metadata, remote files are not downloaded to calculate the hashes). This comparison criteria is slower than the Modification Date based approach but is most reliable way to compare the files and detect file modifications.

Managing Sync Jobs

To add new Sync Job

Click the Add new job.. button located next to the last job header:

add new sync job

How to add new sync job

New sync job is successfully added:

New sync job added

New sync job added

To rename Sync Job

Right-click the tab header of the sync job you want to rename and choose Rename job.. from the context menu

rename sync job

How to rename sync job

Rename Sync Job dialog will open:

rename sync job dialog

Rename Sync Job dialog

Enter new sync job name and click OK.

To delete Sync Job

Right-click the tab header of the sync job you want to delete and choose Delete job.. from the context menu

delete sync job

How to delete sync job

Confirmation dialog will appear

delete sync job confirmation dialog

Delete Sync Job Confirmation dialog

Click Yes if you want to delete the job or No otherwise.

S3 Browser 12.0.1 Freeware
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"S3 Browser is an invaluable tool to me as a web developer to easily manage my automated site backups" -Bob Kraft, Web Developer

"Just want to show my appreciation for a wonderful product. I use S3 Browser a lot, it is a great tool." -Gideon Kuijten, Pro User

"Thank You Thank You Thank You for this tool. A must have for anyone using S3!" -Brian Cummiskey, USA

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