How to Share an Amazon S3 Bucket with another AWS Account. Grant access to Amazon S3 Bucket.
S3 Browser
Free Windows Client for Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront

Granting access to your bucket to another AWS account

There are two ways to share your bucket with another AWS account:

  1. Using Bucket Policies
  2. Using Access Control List (ACL)

Bucket Sharing using Bucket Policies


Account Id (an Id of the account you want to share the bucket with), it can be found in AWS Account Settings:

How to get AWS Account Id

Account Id in AWS Account Settings

To share your bucket via Bucket Policies:

1. Start S3 Browser and select the bucket you want to share.

2. Click Buckets -> Edit Bucket Policy:

Edit Bucket Policies

Click Buckets, Edit Bucket Policy to open Bucket Policies Editor

The Bucket Policy Editor dialog will open:

Bucket Policy Editor

The Bucket Policy Editor dialog allows you to view and edit bucket policy

3. Paste the following Bucket Policy to allow list bucket, upload and download files:

  "Id":  "MyPolicy",
  "Statement":  [
      "Sid":  "AllowBucketList",
      "Action":  [
      "Effect":  "Allow",
      "Resource":  "arn:aws:s3:::s3browser",
      "Principal":  {
        "AWS":  [
      "Sid":  "AlowUploadDownload",
      "Action":  [
      "Effect":  "Allow",
      "Resource":  "arn:aws:s3:::s3browser/*",
      "Principal":  {
        "AWS":  [

Replace s3browser with your actual bucket name and 1234-5678-9012 with the actual grantee's Account Id.

If you would like to grant other permissions, please check AWS Policy Generator to create bucket policy you need.

4. Click Apply to save changes and close the dialog.

Please check out these instructions to learn how the grantee can connect to the bucket you shared with them.

Bucket Sharing using Access Control List (ACL)


Email Address - an email address associated with the account you want to share the bucket with. This email address is used to log-in into the AWS Management Console. You can not use an email address which is associated with more than one AWS account. In such a case, you may use an Owner Id.

AWS Account Email

AWS Account Email is an email used to sing in into the AWS Management Console


Owner Id - an Owner Id of the account you want to share the bucket with (it's not the same as the Account Id explained above). Account Owner Id can be copied from the bucket properties of the grantee account:

AWS Account Owner Id

How to get AWS Account Owner Id

To share the bucket via Access Control List (ACL):

1. Select the bucket you want to share and click Buckets -> Edit Permissions (ACL):

Bucket, Edit Permissions (ACL)

Select the bucket and click Bucket, Edit Permissions (ACL)

The Permissions tab will open:

Bucket Permissions

Permissions Editor allows you to view and edit bucket/file permissions

2. Click More -> Add user by Email/ID

The Add User by Email/ID dialog will open:

Enter email or Owner Id

Enter or paste Account Email or Owner Id of the grantee account

3. Enter or paste Account Email or Owner Id of the grantee account.

4. Check the permissions you want to grant and click Apply changes.

Grant permissions

Check the permissions you want to grant

Important note: if you plan to allow file upload (the Write permission) we recommend to grant the Read Permissions too AND uploader (the grantee) should also enable permissions inheritance in Tools, Options, General. This is important if you need access to the files uploaded by another account.

Please check out these instructions to learn how the grantee can connect to the bucket you shared with them.

Related materials

External Buckets - how to use the bucket shared by another account (how the grantee may connect to the bucket you shared with them)

More about Permissions and Sharing

Bucket Sharing Wizard - an easy painless way to create new users and share buckets with them

How to share folders using Bucket Sharing Wizard and connect to the shared folders

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