Working with Multiple Storage Accounts
To add a new storage account
With S3 Browser you can easily
work with multiple storages. In order to connect to the storage you need to register the Storage Account in S3 Browser.
Your storage credentials are securely stored on your local disk in
encrypted form.
To add new account:
1. Start S3 Browser and click Accounts, Add new account.
Click Accounts, Add new account or use the Ctrl+Shift+N keyboard shortcut
The Add New Account dialog will open:
The Add New Account dialog
2. Fill out account details:
Account Name - you can assign any name to your Account.
Account Type - Choose the account type you want to work with.
The following account types are supported for now:
Access Key ID and Secret Access Key - Access Keys are used to sign the requests you send to the storage.
If you need help in retrieving your Access Keys, please check out the following article:
AWS Access Keys
Encrypt Access Keys with a password - Turn this option on if you want to protect your
Access Key ID and Secret Access Key with a master password.
You will be prompted to
enter your master password
each time you start S3 Browser. If you do not specify the master password,
the hard-coded password will be used to encrypt your credentials for storing on your local disk.
AES256-GCM is used to encrypt your Access Keys before writing to the disk.
The Bouncy Castle crypto API is used to implement encryption.
Use secure transfer (SSL/TLS) - Turn this option on if you would like to encrypt all communications with the storage.
3. Click Add new account.
Advanced Account Settings
You may also configure additional settings when adding new or editing existing account.
In order to open advanced account settings, please click the advanced settings link
located at the bottom left corner of the dialog.
The Advanced Account Settings dialog will open:
Advanced account settings
You may configure the following settings here:
List all my buckets when account assigned - if checked, S3 Browser performs s3:ListAllMyBuckets
call when account is assigned. You may uncheck this for accounts that are not allowed to list all buckets
to avoid failed tasks and warnings in the log.
Check CloudFront distributions when account assigned - if checked, S3 Browser performs cloudfront:ListDistributions
call when account is assigned to set special icon for buckets that are used as origin for CloudFront distributions.
You may uncheck this for accounts that are not allowed to list CloudFront distributions to avoid failed tasks and warnings in the log.
External Buckets - you may edit external buckets associated with the account. Each bucket must be specified on a new line.
Optional path is also supported, slash is used as delimiter, for example my-bucket/and/optional/path
To switch between accounts
You can easily switch between accounts by clicking Accounts, Account Name.
Click Accounts, Account Name to switch to another account.
If account credentials are password-protected, S3 Browser will ask you to enter the password.
Enter password to decrypt your credentials and click OK
Check out these instructions if you forgot your master password.
To edit an account
1. Click Accounts, Manage Accounts..
Click Accounts, Manage Accounts, or use the Ctrl+Shift+M keyboard shortcut.
The Storage Accounts dialog will open:
The Storage Accounts dialog allows you to view/edit/delete accounts.
2. Select the Account you want to edit and click Edit.
The Edit Account dialog will open:
The Edit Account Dialog allows you to edit selected account.
3. Edit account properties and click Save Changes to confirm changes or click Cancel
to reset any changes you made.
4. Click Save Changes to save changes and close the Storage Accounts dialog or click Cancel
to close Account Manager without saving any changes.
To delete an account
1. Click Accounts, Manage Accounts..
Click Accounts, Manage Accounts, or use the Ctrl+Shift+M keyboard shortcut.
The Storage Accounts dialog will open:
The Storage Accounts dialog allows you to view/edit/delete accounts.
2. Select one or multiple accounts you want to delete and click Delete.
4. Click Save Changes to save changes and close the Storage Accounts dialog or click Cancel
to discard any changes you made.
Import/Export/Reorder accounts
Click Accounts, Manage Accounts..
Click Accounts, Manage Accounts, or use the Ctrl+Shift+M keyboard shortcut.
To export accounts:
Click More, Export accounts, or use the Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut.
1. Select one or multiple accounts you want to Export and click
More, Export accounts. The Save As dialog will open:
Specify the file name and click Save.
2. Specify the file name and click Save
You can now transfer resulting file to another machine and import accounts.
To import accounts:
Click More, Import accounts, or use the Ctrl+I keyboard shortcut.
1. Click More, Import accounts. The Open File dialog will open:
Select accounts file and click Open.
2. Select accounts file and click Open.
Accounts will be loaded from the file and added into the list:
Click Save changes
3. Click Save changes.
To reorder accounts:
1. Select one or multiple accounts you want to reorder and click
More, Move up to move them up or More, Move down to move them down.
Click More, Move up/Move down to reorder storage accounts.
You may also use Ctrl+↑ and Ctrl+↓ keyboard shortcuts.
You may also use context menu to perform all actions described in this tutorial.
Accounts context menu